leak information

美 [liːk ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn]英 [liːk ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn]
  • 透露信息
leak informationleak information
  1. By use of multi-scale correlation analytical method , more leak information is preserved and high frequency noise is removed effectively . 3 .


  2. Leak information when it is necessary to do , I quite like a cornered their doom without struggle on the situation .


  3. Negative wave signal that had leak information was changed with A / D , then sent it to computer to identify trouble , so , leak detection and diagnosis of fuel pipe was realized .


  4. Database of existing security measures , including network firewalls , intrusion detection , access control , but in recent years , database spill reasons are system vulnerabilities and internal staff for some reason deliberately leak information .


  5. There has been a leak of information .


  6. He is determined to track down the leak of information .


  7. Design of vertical geothermal heat exchangers Thermal-Pipe Leak Management Information System Research


  8. The article analyzed perinatal neonate air leak clinical information of 45 case .


  9. That you leak this information ?


  10. Thermal-Pipe Leak Management Information System Research


  11. It also breeds a sense of trust within the company , so employees are far less likely to leak sensitive information .


  12. Covert channels can leak confidential information under the supervision of security mechanism , so its threat is very serious .


  13. Prior to each test , the system testers configured several product parameters to allow the memory leak analysis information to be collected during testing .


  14. Covert channel can leak sensitive information in a manner that violates the system 's security policy , so it will threaten the security of the system .


  15. Due to the influence of environmental noise , the leak emanation information intercepted by TEMPEST ATTACK equipment is very weak and reconstruction information is poor .


  16. In a web service system containing mutually distrusting services , sharing data with distrusting service or receive data from other distrusting service may leak private information .


  17. I don 't know why President Bush can 't leak us information that we can actually use , like tell us when Dick Cheney is going hunting again .


  18. Our system has strong practical significance in use . If using our system to detect every application before added to application market , the spread of malicious programs that leak privacy information could be cut off from the source .


  19. In survival database environment and multi-level transaction processing , covert channels can not be avoided and conspirators between high level and low level security transactions and the third malicious transaction will leak confidential information .


  20. Electronic information equipments or computers and their peripheral equipments will inevitably leak sensitive information accompanied with radiation . Without effective protection , it will bring a huge threat to personal privacy , social information security and even national security .


  21. The topics are designed spherical detector equipped with a variety of sound internal sensors and accelerometers , and magnetometers and other sensors combined with the signal acquisition and storage , obtained by the solver leak location information .


  22. To protect against the risk of misuse or the accidental leak of information , the MIT project starts from the outset only with aggregated data drawn from the communications and GPS networks , stripped of any personal identifiers .


  23. Article 70 . Personnel with inside information about a company 's securities trading , or other personnel having illegitimate access to inside information , shall not buy or sell the company 's securities , leak the information , or suggest that other people buy or sell the securities .


  24. However , many Net users still expressed concern over the leak of personal information in real-name registration .


  25. If Party B keep or leak any confidential information without permission from Party A , party B shall bear all the economic losses and legal responsibilities .


  26. An investigation has been launched by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( China CDC ) after a suspected leak of confidential information about some people infected with HIV .


  27. Service providers have the responsibility to keep any collected personal information and itinerary data confidential and any leak of this information could be subject to police investigation , it was stated .


  28. Without leak of any information about the message and the signature , the sender could get the signature on the given message from the signer through a blind signature scheme .


  29. An algorithm analysing multi-output feedforward network system is discussed in this paper , the basic idea of the algorithm is to collect and utilize information leak of input information at multiple output ends .


  30. The AE signals of pipeline leak carry the information of structure integrity ( the dimension and location of leak ), which are random and uncertain , and belong to non stationary signals .
